Lately I’ve been thinking about changing my name. It’s a crazy notion, I know, being my age. But I’ve been wondering what it would be like to do something that drastic, not to change ME necessarily, but perhaps somehow to become more of me, or the person I was meant to be.
It’s gone so far that I’ve actually been thinking of which names I would choose. I like my nicknames, Mare and Maf. I also like my full first name, Mary Ann, but over the years I’ve sometimes been called Mary, due to Ann technically being my middle name. Of course, I hate Mary as that was the shortened version of Mary Ann that the nuns bestowed upon me in grammar school, and my parents didn’t have the balls to tell them to call me by, ya know, my NAME. But I digress.

Oh, Mary Ann! I am so excited that you had the experience of fully processing and the peace that release gives so lovingly and thoroughly. I believe your desire to change your name and move to a whole new place is wonderfully healthy and self-affirming. As for doing it in the "final quarter" - isn't that when the game is won? 🏆
What you shared of your experience growing up gave me a whole new understanding of what that kind of upbringing does to a person and how it damages their identity and sense of self. Hugs to you for all you have been through. I hope your path becomes lighter with every brave step you take.
That was poignant, Mary Ann. Thanks for sharing that. I think changing your name is a marvelous idea! The nuns never got my name right either and always reminded me that there is no saint named Marcia,🙄 BFD! 🤷🏻♀️ they tried to use my middle name: Ann, aka Jesus’ granny, where do they get this shit?...but my mom wasn’t having it...and it’s pronounced Mar-see’-ah, you old hag, not Marsha! 😆
P.S. My mom, age 90, is pissed that her phone announces me as Marsha, and so does Siri, lol!